Sunday, May 22, 2016

"Distract the Dog" Grilled Chicken

This week's recipe,"Distract the Neighbors" grilled chicken, distracted the dog more than the neighbors.

Not like Indie needed an invitation.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

So Many Recipes, So Little Time

I know, I know: there's been a lack of delectable recipes on this blog lately. It's that time of the year at work where eating junk food is easier than spending time cooking. Not that it's by choice, of course.

Lots of recipes from The Language of Baklava are in the to-cook list, and I'm hoping to get back to it this weekend before things get really crazy at work (And crazy it will become).

In the meantime, my wonderful sister (who lives in Portland) sent me a signed copy of Diana Abu-Jaber's newest memoir Life Without a Recipe! 

Super awesome! Along with Tender at the Bone by Ruth Reichl and other books, I have a small stack of books to read! 


Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Sentimental Hot Chocolate

As part of the extended short story "Native Foods," Diana lists a recipe for sentimental hot chocolate. Seemed like a good choice, especially considering whatever fresh hell awaited us for the next episode of Game of Thrones. I needed something sweet to end my weekend, and what better way to do that than whip up a pot of comforting hot chocolate?