Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Fatherly Fried Eggs

I'm always in search of new breakfast recipes. With a fresh supply of eggs every day, why shouldn't I?

Although this recipe is best suited for Father's Day, I wanted to cook something this (hectic) weekend that didn't require a trip to the store. After this week at work is done, I'll go back to cooking the big meals since I'll have the time.

For this week's recipe ("Just a Taste") I changed a few of the ingredients to reflect what's currently growing in the backyard. Fried fresh eggs on top of red onions, garlic cloves, and cherry tomatoes sauteed in olive oil. A dash or two of  Cayenne pepper and lemon zest (in place of sumac) was added for an extra kick.

Could use a little work on my presentation, but I tried! Served the egg on top of freshly baked homemade bread (using leftover dough from Friday night pizza) with a slice of  Havarti.

Cooking from farm to table, a popular thing in this town, is rewarding. It makes you remember where your food comes from, and how hard it can be to get it. If the dough hadn't been prepared, then I would have had to spend extra time making the dough and cooking the bread. In the morning I challenge the chickens as I trick them into moving to another part of the orchard while I grabbed their eggs. I picked the lemon from our tree and the small tomatoes from my brother's planters. Food takes effort, and in the end it tastes better and, while you eat, you have the satisfaction of  knowing that you created a thing of beauty.

Once our big tomatoes ripen I can't wait to try this recipe again! 

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